
– as seen from Glendora, California. Author: Eeekster

It seems like however much we prepare our homes and neighborhoods for brushfires they are inevitable and continue to occur year-after-year. Accidents, negligence (kids with nothing better to do), water shortages, fireworks, dry brush, and scorching hot weather are all indications of the California summer fire season. If you live in brushfire territory it is important that you read this article regarding the safety and protection of your home, family, and assets.

Here are 4 simple steps should you decide to stay, and protect your home against an oncoming brushfire:

1)   Take the appropriate steps to clear as much brush away from your property as possible. Of course this should be done at the beginning of the summer. Should a fire occur, you’d have more time and less work to create a better barrier to keep out potential flames from catching the house.

2)   Saturate your property and back-property with tons of water. This can be done with a water hose or out of a swimming pool if your home has one.  I found a 5-gallon fire retardant for $150, which is worth every penny. Supposedly an Arrowhead resident used the stuff. In the end, he had the only standing home.

3)   Should you choose to defend your home, make your appearance known to neighbors, police, and firefighters. Should the situation turn for the worse, people will be aware of your presence and can warn you to evacuate. Always prepare your vehicle for a quick escape.

4)   Keep a portable radio handy. This way you can stay current with reports on the fire and the path it’s headed.

At the end of the day, no asset is worth your life, family, or neighbors. Accepting defeat can be the hardest step to accomplish, no matter how hard you worked. The Colby fire last year was a perfect example of how five homes became victim to engulfing flames.

We made this a point to service the San Gabriel Valley Mountains with the best in home fire coverage. Route 66 Insurance Agency offers affordable fire damage insurance to help eliminate the worry of losing everything.

Please call us for a quick free quote (626) 650-0140.